Living Values +



We steward the land for past and future generations


We believe cooperative - rather than individual or private land stewardship –
and transformative justice approaches
are key to ensuring the future well being of land and our communities


We are the land and the land is us


We commit to envisioning and
acting to realize liberatory futures
of food and land sovereignty


We honor and prioritize working
together in regenerative, non-extractive relationships


We root in our ancestors' approach to
land care as sacred practice of
climate Stewardship


Language justice, disability justice, and inclusive spaces are essential to the work of land sovereignty and liberation


Use Non-Offensive Language.

We collectively promise to avoid using language that may be assumptive and potentially racist, sexist, classist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic or ageist.

Welcome The Imperfections.

As humans we tend to be messy. Though our hope is for a smooth and seamless gathering, unforeseen situations may arise that ask of us to pivot or be open to change. We call in an environment that centers kindness, patience, and flexibility.

No Assumptions.

We speak from personal experience and use “I” statements. When we use assumptive language or try to collectivize a personal experience, it’s possible to feel alienated, disconnected, triggered and/or excluded. We also do not assume each other’s gender and pronouns.

Respect and Name the Lineage of Knowledge Gained.

The hope is that our time together will encourage you to take the learning gained and weave it into your personal work in your communities. However, it is important to give appropriate citing and credit to both individual and cultural sources that have inspired you from our time together.

What happens at We the Land! stays at We the Land!, but what’s learned here is free to leave.

Let’s give respect to everyone in the circle participating, sharing and holding space together, and keep what is said here confidential. However, the lessons we learn, insights we gain and tools we collect are encouraged to be brought into the rest of our lives and the world.

Be Fully Present & Deeply Receptive.

Minimize distractions and disruptions for yourself. Give your attention not just to the words but the feelings, ideas and inspirations behind them. Practice giving your attention generously and without judgement. Practice sharing without an agenda, spontaneously, and from the heart.

Share and Center The Language Of Your Culture.

Please do not feel the need to center English in your conversations and teachings. If your story speaks through a different language, we are here to receive the story, and lean into what we do not know.

Make Space, Take Space.

Collectively, we honor each of our unique, individual comforts with expressing and sharing personal experiences, stories and knowledge in a group dynamic. We respect the time it takes for each of us to gather our thoughts and courage to share within the group, and prioritize making space and taking space so that all have a chance to deeply listen and be heard.

Meet Each Other Where We’re At.

We all bring our unique histories, experiences and identities to the table. Let’s hold that in mind and heart as we engage with each other. 

Take Care of Yourself.

Putting yourself in a position to learn, grow and transform is beautiful, brave and heavy work. Make sure to take breaks when you need them. Deep breaths, bathroom breaks, water drinking, food eating, body movement are all encouraged in the process.

Boundaries are Love.

Respect everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries. Check in before discussing topics that may be triggering (e.g. sexual abuse, personal experiences with racism) & always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone.

Respect Spiritual And Religious Beliefs.

Each of us will enter into our gathering with different creation stories and beliefs. Let’s respect and acknowledge our diverse beliefs.

Leaning into Discomfort.

We recognize that a part of transformation and healing can feel challenging and uncomfortable. We agree as a group to lean into the discomfort that can arise when we are asked to examine our diverse identities, privileges/disadvantages and beliefs.

Be Yourself.

Come as you are. There is no rush in revealing who you are. Enjoy the exploration of how you choose to share pieces of your story and identity. 

Practice Visionary Thinking and Community Care.

  • Expect and accept non-closure.

  • Practice “both/and” thinking.

  • No one knows everything, together we know a lot.

  • Explain acronyms and lingo. Don’t expect that we all come with the same knowledge.

  • Be aware of both intent and impact. Give attention to and change your behavior if someone tells you it is causing harm.

  • Call in, not out. When someone behaves in a way that challenges your values, do your best to invite them into awareness rather than dismissing, shaming, or shunning them.

These agreements were articulated and inspired by Wild Gather: Hudson Valley School of Herbalism’s Living Virtues & Soul Fire Farms Safer Space Agreements that we share with gratitude.